David Solodukhin
+1914-564-8872 | david.solodukhin@gmail.com
Meta (Facebook) – Menlo Park, CA July 2020 – Present
Production Engineer – Network Infrastructure Security Engineering
Edge network security: keeping public facing infrastructure safe and reliable. Focusing on developing and
scaling L4-7 DDoS detection and mitigation systems. Implementing & improving methods for detecting &
classifying network anomalies. Also working on Linux host level security features utilizing eBPF, spanning
millions of machines.
Amazon Lab126 – Sunnyvale, CA Sept – Nov 2019
Software Development Engineer Intern – Consumer Devices
Designed a high performance, adaptive and portable service to stream and transcode sensor data from a
prototype consumer electronic device. This service allowed developers to more quickly diagnose low-level
sensor issues and decreased reliance on device storage for storing debugging information.
VMware – Palo Alto, CA May – Aug 2019
Software Engineer Intern – VM Platform
Designed and built a scalable, container-runtime independent solution for managing containers running in a
Linux virtual machine. This solution efficiently gathers container stats/info by communicating directly with
the exposed Linux kernel APIs which make containerization feasible.
Prudential Financial – Newark, NJ May – Aug 2018
Software Engineer Intern, Enterprise Services & Systems
Improved reliability and efficiency of internal metadata management system, significantly reducing query
response latency. Expanded on the existing frontend (JSP) and rewrote Struts2 functionality in Spring(Web).
Reduced daily build time of this system by several hours with multi-module Maven build scripts that
automate building Oracle ADF applications.
Georgia Tech Database Research Group Atlanta, GA Feb – May 2019
Undergraduate Researcher – Dr. Joy Arulraj – Accelerating Data Analytics using Logical Zone Maps
Aided in designing new logical indexing structures used for caching statistical aggregates for subsets of data.
Implemented mock dbms components such as a mixture model engine which would evaluate new indexing
techniques as well as support approximate query processing.
College of Computing Atlanta, GA Jan – May 2019
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant – Design and Analysis of Operating Systems
Taught students operating systems concepts and kernel programming. Graded and maintained assignments.
Institute for Information Security and Privacy – Atlanta, GA Oct 2017 – Oct 2018
Undergraduate Researcher – Dr. Taesoo Kim – Fuzzification: Anti-Fuzzing Techniques
Designed and evaluated anti-fuzzing techniques to slow down modern fuzzers and protect software from
malicious fuzzing.
Wrote LLVM passes in C++ to implement anti-fuzzing techniques in existing Linux executables.
Automated source-code instrumentation, unit testing of anti-fuzzing methods and visualization of fuzzing
Jinho Jung, Hong Hu, David Solodukhin, Daniel Pagan, Kyu Hyung Lee, and Taesoo Kim. Fuzzification:
Anti-Fuzzing Techniques. In Proceedings of the 28th USENIX Security Symposium (Security 2019), Santa
Clara, CA, August 2019.
Linux Kernel Modules (kernel v4.15.18): Developed a module which starts a kernel daemon for transmitting
O.S. stats. Implemented a kernel module for network traffic artificial throttling and proxy.
Wolfram Alpha Bug: Found SSRF vulnerability in Wolfram Alpha’s api giving access to premium features for
free. Contacted WA team and exploit was patched.
Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, GA Aug 2016 – May 2020
B.S. in Computer Science
Languages: C++, C, Python, Java, Golang, (PL)SQL, Javascript, x86/64 ISA (GAS, FASM)
Systems, Technologies/Tools: LLVM, OpenMP, MPI, Docker, Kubernetes, libcontainer, KVM/QEMU, libvirt, Git,
Reverse Engineering, fuzzing, SDDC, HCI, AWS:LightSail/EC2, Virtualization, eBPF, XDP
Foreign Language: Russian; Native Fluency